CCA Climate Change Agreement

CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine

CCL Climate Change Levy

CCP Capacity Cleared Price

CCS Carbon Capture and Storage

CCT Clean Coal Technology

CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

CDM Clean Development Mechanism

CEC Connection Entry Capacity

CDSP Central Data Service Provider

CERT Carbon Emissions Reduction Target

CFD Contracts For Difference

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CI Customer Interruptions

CM Capacity Market

CML Customer Minutes Lost

CMW Capacity Market Warning

COG Combined Operations Group

COP Coefficient of Performance

CoP Code of Practice

CoS Change of Supplier

CP Change Proposal

CRC Carbon Reduction Commitment

CSS Consolidated Segmental Statements

CUSC Connection and Use of System Code

CV Calorific Value

CVA Central Volume Allocation